My book tracker.


TitleGoodreads LinkDate ReadRatingStatus
The Courage to be DislikedLink2025-01-062🟢
The Cold War: A New HistoryLink2025-01-274🟢
There is no Antimemetics DivisionLink2025-02-105🟢
Boom - Bubbles and the End of StagnationLink2025-02-114🟢
48 Laws of PowerLink🟡
Thinking Fast and SlowLink🟡
Venture DealsLink🟡
High Output ManagementLink🟡
Art of Doing Science and EngineeringLink🟡

Average rating:
Books read:


TitleGoodreads LinkDate ReadRatingStatus
The AlchemistLink2024-01-091🟢
Atomic HabitsLink2024-01-123🟢
The Knife of Never Letting GoLink2024-01-205🟢
The Ask and the AnswerLink2024-01-224🟢
Monsters of MenLink2024-01-244🟢
When McKinsey Comes to TownLink2024-02-163🟢
Chip WarLink2024-03-235🟢
Zero to OneLink2024-06-024🟢
The Almanack of Naval RavikantLink2024-06-064🟢
Skunk WorksLink2024-06-125🟢
The Nvidia WayLink2024-12-214🟢
Focus - The ASML WayLink2024-12-234🟢
Clear ThinkingLink2024-12-253🟢
Good Strategy Bad StrategyLink2024-12-314🟢

Average rating: 3.79
Books read: 14


TitleGoodreads LinkDate ReadRatingStatus
Fundamentals of Data VisualizationLink2023-03-222🟢
The Lean StartupLink2023-07-034🟢
The Boron LettersLink2023-07-222🟢
Rich Dad Poor DadLink2023-12-203🟢
The 5AM ClubLink2023-12-261🟢
Poverty, by AmericaLink2023-12-314🟢

Average rating: 2.66
Books read: 6

To Read

  1. A Brief History of Intelligence
  2. A Fiery Peace in a Cold War
  3. A Fire Upon The Deep
  4. A Man for All Markets
  5. A mathematician’s apology, Hardy
  6. A Monster Calls
  7. A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street
  8. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything
  9. A Shortcut Through Time
  10. Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
  11. Against the Gods
  12. Alan Kay’s The Power of the Context
  13. An Ember in the Ashes
  14. Atlas Shrugged
  15. Attitude 101
  16. Awaken the Giant Within
  17. Behavioral Genetics, Plomin
  18. Best Loser Wins
  19. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
  20. Black Wave
  21. Blue Ocean Strategy
  22. Can we survive technology?, von Neumann, 1955
  23. Co-Intelligence
  24. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
  25. Company of One
  26. Complexity Economics, Beinhocker
  27. Crucial Conservation Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
  28. Deepwork
  29. Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  30. Designing Games: A Guide To Engineering Experiences
  31. Diplomacy, Kissinger
  32. Doing the Impossible: George E. Mueller & the Management of NASA’s Human Spaceflight Program
  33. Don’t Make Me Think
  34. Don’t Think of an Elephant
  35. Draft No 4
  36. Dream Teams
  37. Empire of Pain
  38. Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures
  39. Evidence-Based Technical Analysis
  40. Extreme Ownership
  41. Fab: From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication
  42. Failing Forward
  43. First You Write a Sentence
  44. Flashboys
  45. Fortune’s Formula
  46. Games People Play
  47. Getting More
  48. Good to Great
  49. Hero on a Mission
  50. High-Speed Dreams
  51. How Iceland Changed the World
  52. How the Mighty Fall
  53. How the Mind Works
  54. How the World Really Works
  55. How to Invest
  56. How to Tell a Story
  57. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  58. How Will You Measure Your Life
  59. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
  60. In Pursuit of Unicorns - A Journey Through Biotechnology
  61. Influence, Cialdini
  62. Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs
  63. Let My People Go Surfing
  64. Liberation Biology
  65. Main Street Millionaire
  66. Makers of Modern Strategy, Paret
  67. Making Sense of Chaos
  68. Man, Economy, and State
  69. Men of Mathematics
  70. Never At Rest, Westfall
  71. Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton
  72. Never Split the Difference
  73. Norbert Wiener-A Life in Cybernetics
  74. Now It Can Be Told, General Groves
  75. Nuclear War: a Scenario
  76. Nudge
  77. Obviously Awesome
  78. On the Brevity of Life
  79. Organizing Genius
  80. Outlive
  81. Pentagon Wars, Burton
  82. Physics for Future Presidents, and Energy for Future Presidents, Richard Muller
  83. Pitch Anything
  84. Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar
  85. Playing to Win: Becoming the Champion
  86. Poor Charlie’s Almanack
  87. Predictably Irrational
  88. Protocols by Huberman
  89. Purple Cow
  90. Quiet
  91. Radical Candor
  92. Range
  93. Rationality, Vernon Smith
  94. Reckoning With Risk, Gigerenzer
  95. Recursion
  96. Red Rising
  97. Rejection Proof
  98. Rework
  99. RICHARD P FEYNMAN The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
  100. Rocket Propulsion Elements
  101. Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind
  102. Secrets of Sand Hill Road
  103. Shoe Dog
  104. Smart Brevity
  105. Sources of Power, Klein
  106. Start with Why
  107. Steve Jobs
  108. Stop Asking Questions
  109. Storynomics
  110. Storyworthy
  111. Subliminal
  112. Superforecasting
  113. Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
  114. Supremacy: AI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the World
  115. Surfaces and Essences
  116. Talent (Tyler Cowen)
  117. Talk Like TED
  118. The 4-Hour Work Week
  119. The Act of Creation
  120. The Art of Learning
  121. The Ascent of Man
  122. The Ascent of Man, Bronowksi
  123. The Avoidable War
  124. The Beginning of Infinity
  125. The Body Keeps the Score
  126. The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog
  127. The Culture Code
  128. The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
  129. The Daily Stoic
  130. The Dance of the Photons, Zeilinger
  131. The Design of Everyday Things
  132. The Dream Machine: JCR Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal
  133. The Eighth Day of Creation
  134. The Essays of Warren Buffet
  135. The Fabric of Reality
  136. The Fifth Science by Exurb1a
  137. The Fine Art of Small Talk
  138. The Four Agreements
  139. The Future is Faster Than You Think
  140. The Geography of Genius
  141. The Greatest Communicator, Worthlin
  142. The Hard Thing about Hard Things
  143. The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides
  144. The Hunt for Zero Point
  145. The Idea Factory
  146. The Infinity Puzzle
  147. The Information
  148. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
  149. The Intelligent Investor
  150. The Kill Chain
  151. The Lessons of History
  152. The Little Book of Behavioral Investing
  153. The Little Book That Still Beaks the Market
  154. The Making of a Manager
  155. The Man from the Future, Bhattacharya
  156. The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan
  157. The Man Who Knew The Future
  158. The MANIAC
  159. The Mathematical Theory of Communication
  160. The Mind-Gut Connection
  161. The Mistborn Saga
  162. The Mom Test
  163. The New One Minute Manager
  164. The New Venturers
  165. The Optimist’s Telescope
  166. The Party – The Secret World of China’s Communist RUlers
  167. The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control
  168. The Personal MBA
  169. The Phoenix Project
  170. The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
  171. The Prefect Predator
  172. The Psychology of Money
  173. The Rest of Us Just Live Here
  174. The Sales Acceleration Formuala
  175. The Scout Mindset
  176. The Signal and the Noise, Nate Silver
  177. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
  178. The Social Animal
  179. The Society of Mind
  180. The Sporty Game
  181. The Strangest Man, Farmelo
  182. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  183. The Talent Code
  184. The Technological Republic Hard Power, Soft Belief, and the Future of the West
  185. The Theory of Moral Sentiments
  186. The Third Door
  187. The transformation of war
  188. The Way of Kings
  189. Thinking in Systems
  190. Tiny Experiments
  191. Triggers
  192. TSMC: China’s Golden Goose or Poison Pill?
  193. Value Investing
  194. What Color is your Parachute
  195. What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character
  196. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
  197. What the CEO Wants You to Know
  198. What You Do is Who You Are
  199. When Breath Becomes Air
  200. When We Cease to Understand the World
  201. Where Good Ideas Come From
  202. Why Everyone Else is a Hypocrite
  203. Why Fish Don’t Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of Life
  204. Why Greatness Cannot be Planned
  205. Why Machines Learn
  206. Why We Sleep
  207. You’re Invited
  208. You’re Not Listening
  209. Your Next Five Moves
  210. Mozart in Italy
  211. How to Know a Person
  212. The Tipping Point
  213. John Stuart Mill: A Biography: Capaldi, Nicholas
  214. Win the Inside Game: How to Move from Surviving to Thriving, and Free Yourself Up to Perform
  215. Genentech: The Beginnings of Biotech
  216. Abundance by Thomson