đź“ť Notes

  • Run or jog is in the morning. It is good for your health and gives you clearheaded thinking. Also workout. There is little sympathy for a weakling.
  • Being scared when there isn’t a need to be is very unattractive to watch. Rely on your own strength instead of somebody else’s compassion. And the special thing is that you can’t fake strength. It is the one thing in life you basically can’t cheat at. Never appear weak, and carry yourself with confidence. People will respond in a good way.
  • Try things at least twice. Relentless ambition gets you ahead.
  • Don’t get consumed by email and text messages and phone calls. Focus on the important things in your life.
  • Doing things without being interrupted is one of the habits of the most successful people. That’s why mornings are extremely powerful.
  • Fast and rest one day a week - fasting develops self-discipline.
  • Most people in the world are nay sayers. That’s why you should keep your ideas and dreams to yourself, as you should rely on only yourself for inspiration and motivation. There is no use wasting your time and energy fighting negative attitudes of other people denying your aspirations. These people also translate your success into their failure for not becoming rich by comparison, so they will aim to drag you down. It is ironic that people say they want to be rich yet put down almost everyone who tries. There is an irrational hatred of the rich, and it is born out of spite. Even friends and family will not support you all the way. The advantage over others is great when one can shut out the negative attitude of the masses.
  • Surround yourself with people who have similar goals or who have already become great successes. These people are always hungry for people to appreciate what they have accomplished. Thus, learn to eradicate people from your life if they are not a positive influence. Screw past loyalty or family duty. Cut anyone who impedes your enjoyment, and don’t put up with nonsense from anyone.
  • Learn to not fear failure.
  • Learn to depend and rely on yourself. Don’t blame others as an excuse for your failure.
  • Go over your plans and goals everyday. Share it with other people to ensure everyone is on the same page. Winners revise their plans over and over and constantly reassess.
  • Money is where the enthusiasm is. You don’t get big money by doing things you don’t enjoy. Remember this when you hire people. Always look for the most enthusiastic person, not the most qualified. Because attitude is the most important thing of all when it comes to making money. Have a team of achievers and yes-sayers.
  • When writing or pitching to someone, remember AIDA: attention, interest, desire, action. Attention is the most important. You hook a reader or lose them when he very first looks at the writing. Not when he reads it, but when he looks at it. Therefore, your writing should be inviting and easy to read - think crisp and clean. Add wide margins and lots of white space. Your action should be very clear, specific, and guide exactly what to do.
  • Get good at writing by copying other people’s work. Handwrite, type, and read aloud. Anyplace where you stumble, rewrite it so it’s smooth and it flows. You will get a sense of how the flow and structure is built. Usually, use simple words, short sentences and paragraphs, add transitions, build imagery, and ask rhetorical questions. Add details to make everything more believable. Be personal and detailed.
  • You do a better selling job when at first it does not appear you are attempting to do a sales job. Don’t look professional. First impressions are everything.
  • Think HALT - never make decisions when you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Be clear headed and don’t let your ego affect your choices.